
Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Why the sea is salt?

A folktale from Karelia, retold by Rohini Chowdhury

Do you even ask you self this quest? "Why the Sea is Salt? ... Well i am when i was child, there is a folktale that
seek to explain the world around us like this story. It is a story how the sea become salty. It tells about the story of two brothers , one is rich and selfish and the other one is poor and kind, one day the poor don't have anything to eat so he decided to ask his brother if it can lend him something to eat so his brother give him a piece of meat and tell him to bring it to a wood goblin. He goes through the deep of the forest to bring it to the wood goblin even though he was so hungry , after finding the goblin the goblin give him a gift , it is a millstone a magical item that will give you anything you want if you say the magic world and will only stop if you say the word "Enough" . Using the millstone the poor guy became rich so fast and his brother heard about it and borrow the millstone to his brother without knowing the way to stop it, while in the boat he saw a fisherman and decided to sell it some salt using the millstone, the millstone keeps in grinding a salt until the boat sunk and still grinding until now.

In this folktale we learn that being greedy is bad, you should always be contented in what you have because in this way you can always make yourself happy in anything that God has given to you. Many people are losing alot a money in gamble because of being greedy , they always want more without realizing that they are already losing. Always be happy in what you have and always expect nothing in return.

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