
Thursday, May 10, 2012



All that I love
I fold over once
And once again
And keep in a box
Or a slit in a hollow post
Or in my shoe.

All that I love?
Why, yes, but for the moment ---
And for all time, both.
Something that folds and keeps easy,
Son’s note or Dad’s one gaudy tie,
A roto picture of a young queen,
A blue Indian shawl, even
A money bill.

It’s utter sublimation
A feat, this heart’s control
Moment to moment
To scale all love down
To a cupped hand’s size,

Till seashells are broken pieces
From God’s own bright teeth.
And life and love are real
Things you can run and
Breathless hand over
To the merest child.

- Edith L. Tiempo

>>> Another great poet of Tiempo ,if you read this carefully and have a deep understanding you'll se that this poet reflects his real life . Let us first know what is Bonsai . Bonsai looks like this .

As we can see in the picture the Bonsai is small but actually Bonsai is big it is just being trimmed so that its growth can be controlled. In real life in order to handle things easier we need to make it as small as possible . Like our emotions, we shouldn't let our emotions overflow our feelings , when we angry we always need to control our emotions so that we can prevent any harm from people around us. Life is simple we just need to appreciate every little things in this world like feeling the heat of the sun, with this we can be more happier and live better. 

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