
Thursday, May 10, 2012



Buzz! buzz! buzz!
This is the song of the bee.
His legs are yellow;
A jolly, good fellow,
And yet a great worker is he.

In days that are sunny
He’s getting his honey,
In days that are cloudy
He’s making his wax:
On pinks and on lilies,
And gay daffodillies,
And columbine blossoms, 
He levies a tax!

Buzz! buzz! buzz!
The sweet-smelling clover,
He, humming, hangs over;
The scent of the roses
Makes fragrant his wings:
He never gets lazy;
From thistle and daisy,
And weeds of the meadow,
Some treasure he brings.

Buzz! buzz! buzz!
From morning’s first light
Till the coming of night,
He’s singing and toiling
The summer day through.
Oh! We may get weary,
And think work is dreary;
‘This harder by far
To have nothing to do.

>>> this Selection is an example of a poem a composition in verse written in certain measures, whether in blank verse or in rhyme, and characterized by imagination and poetic diction. 

>>> its all about how the bees keep working day and night just to make honey. Wait 

do you know that male bees or drone are live just only to mate with the queen, who is the only fertile female in the colony. The queen need not lift a wing, as workers tend to her every need.

>>> we AS a person we need to do our work in time not in rush we need to make some rest in able to do the following job. we may reflect to this story that we cannot get lazy because if we make patience time will come it will bear a good result . A result that we not expect.

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