
Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Legend of Banana

"The Legend of Banana"

>>> When I saw the title of this story in the internet I remember one of the tv show entitled Wansapanatym because this same legend was told in the show.>>> this story is all about a beautiful girl named Corazon. This story happened when Spaniards came to our town then the captian of the Spaniards like Corazon to become his bride but corazon but Corazon refused and the captain ordered to kill her and throw her body on the street.When her parent heard what happen to her, they gave Corazon a funeral the townspeople buried Corazon's body underground. And after several time a tree grow were her body buried . No one know what is that plant . Then Corazon's parent surely said that tree is Corazon.
>>> the moral of the story is obviously shown that even corazon was in danger she not refused to give help for those people she saw suffering. We as a person there is an instance that somebody need our presence , need our help but we cannot easily help them because we have a personal problem but we didn't hesitate to help them cause we know that if we give other or help other God is more happier to that His son do good things even in a simple way.

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