
Thursday, May 10, 2012

"The Two Towers"

A long time ago, in an Italian city, they built a beautiful tower which was admired by everyone passing through. A little further down the road, in a neighbouring city, they had built a tower of similar beauty. The two towers were equally well known.

The people of the second city, envious and filled with pride, planned to destroy the neighbouring tower so it wouldn't take attention away from their own. One dark night, they came to the tower, with picks and shovels, and began to quietly undermine its foundations.

The next morning, the tower was leaning slightly, but nobody seemed to notice. The same happened for the following few days, until a little girl who was passing by pointed up at the tower and said: "I think that the tower is going to fall down." And everyone around looked closely, and could see that she was right.

Nervousness spread through the city. They tried no end of solutions to try to straighten the tower, but the days passed, and nothing seemed to work. That was, until one day when the same little girl was walking by again, and she leant her arm on the side of the tower, to rest. She felt the tower trembling slightly, amid the sound of creaking and groaning. When she took her hand off it, the movement and the noises stopped. And when she put it back on again, the same happened.

The girl spent a while doing this, until she was completely certain of what she had discovered: "The tower is ticklish!!"

She ran to get some flowers and plants, and she planted them right next to the tower. Now if the tower leant over any further it would be tickled by the petals and leaves of those plants. Being a ticklish tower, it would then have to return back to where it had been. In this way, the girl managed to make sure that the tower didn't collapse, but still kept it leaning a little.

The fact that it was leaning made it even more famous, and this taught a fine lesson to the envious people of the neighbouring city. Being jealous types, they tried to copy the lean of the first tower, but they couldn't do it, and the tower ended up collapsing, leaving the city not only without a tower, but also without a city hall.

Author: Pedro Pablo

>>>The moral lesson in this story is when we fail to appreciate the good things other possess, and allow envy to take over, we end up in a lot of trouble. It is not good to to pull peoples down or what you called " Crab Mentality" if we do this the growth of our economic status will just be slowed. Those who can't applaud in the victory of others only lead to the emptynesss on their heart , why can't we just happy for them. Just always keep in mind that it is always nice to be happy in victory of other we should always be thankful for what God has given to us.



All that I love
I fold over once
And once again
And keep in a box
Or a slit in a hollow post
Or in my shoe.

All that I love?
Why, yes, but for the moment ---
And for all time, both.
Something that folds and keeps easy,
Son’s note or Dad’s one gaudy tie,
A roto picture of a young queen,
A blue Indian shawl, even
A money bill.

It’s utter sublimation
A feat, this heart’s control
Moment to moment
To scale all love down
To a cupped hand’s size,

Till seashells are broken pieces
From God’s own bright teeth.
And life and love are real
Things you can run and
Breathless hand over
To the merest child.

- Edith L. Tiempo

>>> Another great poet of Tiempo ,if you read this carefully and have a deep understanding you'll se that this poet reflects his real life . Let us first know what is Bonsai . Bonsai looks like this .

As we can see in the picture the Bonsai is small but actually Bonsai is big it is just being trimmed so that its growth can be controlled. In real life in order to handle things easier we need to make it as small as possible . Like our emotions, we shouldn't let our emotions overflow our feelings , when we angry we always need to control our emotions so that we can prevent any harm from people around us. Life is simple we just need to appreciate every little things in this world like feeling the heat of the sun, with this we can be more happier and live better. 

The Legend of Banana

"The Legend of Banana"

>>> When I saw the title of this story in the internet I remember one of the tv show entitled Wansapanatym because this same legend was told in the show.>>> this story is all about a beautiful girl named Corazon. This story happened when Spaniards came to our town then the captian of the Spaniards like Corazon to become his bride but corazon but Corazon refused and the captain ordered to kill her and throw her body on the street.When her parent heard what happen to her, they gave Corazon a funeral the townspeople buried Corazon's body underground. And after several time a tree grow were her body buried . No one know what is that plant . Then Corazon's parent surely said that tree is Corazon.
>>> the moral of the story is obviously shown that even corazon was in danger she not refused to give help for those people she saw suffering. We as a person there is an instance that somebody need our presence , need our help but we cannot easily help them because we have a personal problem but we didn't hesitate to help them cause we know that if we give other or help other God is more happier to that His son do good things even in a simple way.



Buzz! buzz! buzz!
This is the song of the bee.
His legs are yellow;
A jolly, good fellow,
And yet a great worker is he.

In days that are sunny
He’s getting his honey,
In days that are cloudy
He’s making his wax:
On pinks and on lilies,
And gay daffodillies,
And columbine blossoms, 
He levies a tax!

Buzz! buzz! buzz!
The sweet-smelling clover,
He, humming, hangs over;
The scent of the roses
Makes fragrant his wings:
He never gets lazy;
From thistle and daisy,
And weeds of the meadow,
Some treasure he brings.

Buzz! buzz! buzz!
From morning’s first light
Till the coming of night,
He’s singing and toiling
The summer day through.
Oh! We may get weary,
And think work is dreary;
‘This harder by far
To have nothing to do.

>>> this Selection is an example of a poem a composition in verse written in certain measures, whether in blank verse or in rhyme, and characterized by imagination and poetic diction. 

>>> its all about how the bees keep working day and night just to make honey. Wait 

do you know that male bees or drone are live just only to mate with the queen, who is the only fertile female in the colony. The queen need not lift a wing, as workers tend to her every need.

>>> we AS a person we need to do our work in time not in rush we need to make some rest in able to do the following job. we may reflect to this story that we cannot get lazy because if we make patience time will come it will bear a good result . A result that we not expect.

The Ungreatful Servant

The Ungrateful Servant (Matthew 18:23-35)

Once there was a servant (we will call him Jim) that owed a whole lot of money to his king. Over a million dollars! But he could not pay it back, and the king wanted it right now! So the king was getting ready to make Jim sell everything he had so that he could pay back something, at least. The king was even considering selling Jim to another king (kings could do that in those days)!
But poor Jim begged the king to forgive him for not being able to pay the money back, and the king felt sorry for him (I guess this king was really a good guy inside, and was just trying to scare Jim so he would learn to manage his money better), so he didn't make the Jim sell everything, and even told Jim that he did not have to pay the money back. Jim was overjoyed, thanked the king, and promised to be more careful in the future.
So Jim went out of the king's house, probably whistling a happy tune and noticing what a lovely day it was that day. But as he was going home, he happened to meet another servant (we will call this servant Fred) who owed him money! Fred didn't owe Jim much, about fifty bucks or so, but Jim would not forgive Fred, and even had Fred thrown into prison (another thing that they could do in those days).
When the king heard about Jim's unforgiving nature, he got real mad at Jim, and called him back to his house where he again demanded his million bucks! Since Jim didn't have the money, and the king was too mad to forgive him this time, poor Jim was sold to another king, and all his stuff was taken from him.

>>> I just post the story here at my blog site because I want everyone who will visit my blog to read this story know why?? As I read this parable I felt the presence of God because even though that I do something wrong I know he eventually forgave me.
>>> also as I read this I remember Jesus told this story to remind us of what we owe God. Since he created us and gave us life, we really owe Him much more than we can ever pay back. But other people are His children, too! If they owe us something, and can't pay it back, or if they have done something to hurt us, GOD wants us to forgive them just like He is willing to forgive us for not being able to pay Him back! And if we don't forgive other people what they owe to us, GOD will not be willing to forgive us what we owe to HIM! We don't want that now, do we?

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

My Brother's Peculiar Chicken

"My Brother's Peculiar Chicken (Alejandro R. Roces)"

This is one of the stories written by Alejandro R. Roces , a Filipino writer, this story is about the chicken that was found by the two brother. They are fighting about the gender of the chicken whether its a hen or rooster. The older brother tells that its a hen but the younger tells it is not. The chicken was very peculiar because it has both the characteristic of hen and a rooster. The two brother had a deal that if the chicken win in a cockfight then they will consider it as a rooster, when the fight comes the chicken defeats the other chicken in just one lunge. When they already decided that the chicken is a rooster the chicken suddenly laid an egg making it a she.

As you can see here the them of the story is "There are things that are not real as they seems to be" , You can't judge something just because of its physical characteristics , you should always look inside of it and have a deep understanding.

Cap O' Rushes

"Cap O' Rushes"

Cap O' Rushes is an example of fairy tales. Fairy tales are not always about fairies , though they are always full of strange and wonderful happenings.

Cap O' Rushes and has much in common with other well-known tales, such as 'Cinderella'.

Cap-O-Rushes begins with the old king asking his three daughters how much they love him. The older two girls flatter him by saying that they love him more than gold, silver, gems and jewels, while the youngest tells him that she loves him as much as salt. At this, the king is so outraged that he banishes his daughter from his kingdom. 

The young girl becomes a poor kitchen servant but, after attending a royal festival, dressed in her dead mother's fine clothes, she is rescued from poverty by a handsome prince. Knowing that her father is to be present at her wedding to the prince, she orders that the banquet should be cooked without salt. This symbolism is not lost on her father. When he and the other guests taste the awful, saltless food, he realizes that as salt gives food its taste, so love gives life its meaning. As he weeps tears of repentence, his daughter reveals her identity and the two are joyfully reconciled.

>>>As I read this story I remembered one passage from the bible where Jesus tells his disciples that they are the salt of the earth. We spoke of how God made the world for mankind and how His people give flavour or meaning to the earth that He made. 

>>>The moral of the story is to not judge a book by its cover and don't treat someone bad just because they are less fortunate. Father of Cap O' Rushes seems to be materialistic and he did not let her daughter to elaborate what her daughter said.